I put my writing on hold for the past year, but uploaded a new short story tonight. Actually, I wrote the story about a year ago, but did not publish it. It’s called Oaktop Horror and is a tale of terror that takes place in a small town in New Hampshire. It does not have a happy ending. I guess I was channeling Lovecraft when I wrote it. It might be available on Amazon on Halloween. I’ll post a link with the cover art after it is listed.
I’m thinking about participating in NaNoWriMo this year. Maybe it will motivate me to find my writing mojo again or at least publish more than one short story a year.
Hope you like the new web site design. I created all the art and took all the photos that appear in the background. Please let me know what you think about it.
Still mastering my Plastic Mojo project surf guitar record. You can listen to some of the rough cuts here.
Will post again as soon as I can (with any luck before next October).
Thanks for your support.
Den Hill