
My stories are listed below.  Click on the cover image to purchase.

War_Dead_Cover2WAR DEAD:  A Joe Weird Adventure

Join Joe Weird in his struggles against supernatural horrors. In his first adventure, Joe transforms from an ambulance service volunteer into a pulp action hero. (Short Story app. 3200 words, Mild Language, Graphic Violence).
War Dead: A Joe Weird Adventure (The Adventures of Joe Weird)

SilverCreekCoverSILVER CREEK: A Tale of the Weird West

Can aging Allen Abbot find peace in a ghost town? A surprising tale of hope set in the weird west. (Short Story, approximately 1.9K words, supernatural themes).

Silver Creek: A Tale of the Weird West



Oaktop Horror

Oaktop Horror: A Disturbing Tale of Terror

Bill’s day started out bad and visiting his old grade school made it the worst day of his life. He should have listened to his daughter and left when he had a chance. (A short story, approximately 2000 words. Some mild language and graphic violence).

Oaktop Horror: A Disturbing Tale of Terror